Sunday, 3 May 2015

Argentine farmer

Widow's tribute to his beautiful wife: Stunning forest planted in shape of a Guitar that he has never seen because he fears flying

Argentine farmer Pedro Martin Ureta created the cypress and eucalyptus tree forest as a memorial to his wife Graciela Yraizoz who loved the guitar

A farmer created a stunning tribute to his late wife by planting 7,000 trees in the shape of a guitar. 
Pedro Martin Ureta's labour of love is a memorial to Graciela Yraizoz,who loved the guitar and asked him to design the instrument on their farmland in Laboulaye, Argentina. 

But, tragically she died in 1977 while carrying their fifth child before it could come to fruition. 

So, after her death, Mr Ureta and their four children planted every tree individually to create the stunning wood.

The guitar stretches for two thirds of a mile and is so large that it has to be seen from the sky but Mr Ureta has never seen the full design because he is afraid of flying. 

He started the project in 1979, two years after Graciela died. She suffered a ruptured cerebral aneurysm during her fifth pregnancy and died aged just 25