For the past 16 years, the 39-year-old photographer who is living in Alaska, has taken a photograph of his face, always with the same solemn expression, in order to document the seemingly-insignificant daily changes to his appearance, which, over time, have seen him grow up from the 22-year-old who began the project to the middle-aged man who continues with it today.
He began his Living My Life Faster project on October 1, 1998, and has recently released an extraordinary time-lapse video which is made up of showing 5,840 pictures of his face.
Keller then compiled the selfies into a three-and-a-half minute time-lapse video that shows how his face has changed and grown during the past decade and a half.
The years progress at breakneck speed as his hair starts to grow, both on his head and on his face, before getting shorter again with each haircut, and then growing once again. In each image, Keller remains emotionless in the center of the picture, never changing his expression, or cracking a smile.
Occasionally, zits make an appearance on his face, seemingly during his late teens and early twenties; their impact can be seen as they take weeks to fade away from the surface of his skin.
Facial hair also sprouts several times during the 16-year-long time frame. At one point a lengthy mustache and beard can be seen on Keller’s face.
On his website, Keller says he started the project as a means of proving a point then-girlfriend, who sneered at his purchase of an expensive Nikon camera.
'The project began out of spite. I had just purchased a digital camera (Nikon CoolPix 900) and my girlfriend at the time asked me why I bought it and what I was going to do with it,' he explains.
'I explained but she seemed unconvinced and asked if I was "going to use it every day" with sarcastic inflection. I told her yes, and resolved to do so. Inception!'
He describes the project as 'focusing on the differences that one can see in the self from day to day'.
He says the project ended up becoming a 'documentation of the changes his face underwent in the long-term'.
'Initially, I thought of the project focusing on the differences that one can see in the self from day to day. Same person, different personas.
'As the project grew and grew, it became more about the process of the whole. I began to look at the long-term changes that occur parallel to the short term changes.'
Keller says he will continue to take photos each and every day, noting that he aims to continue the project until the day he dies:
'Only then will it be complete, and worth its true value,' he explains. 'Hopefully the completion date is far off, but you never know, right?
'Unfortunately, I won't ever see it finished. It's really a heckuva Catch-22 I've set up for myself,' he muses.